Transpersonal Training



5 days

In this first module we embark upon the analysis and investigation of human nature which includes the study of the values of consciousness and the transcendence of the ego. It integrates a map of the personal process proposed by ancestral traditions and the tools which these traditions have used so as to propel the human being toward an objective that goes beyond the healing of physical and psychological symptoms: namely, self-realization.
It brings comprehension regarding our negative mental and emotional processes and the possibility of overcoming them in order to reach the nucleus of peace and harmony that constitutes the true nature of the human being.


  • The Subtle Constitution of the human being
  • The Inner Process
  • Energetic and Psychological equilibrium
  • Consciousness: key concepts from the ancestral traditions
  • Description of the psyche: mind, emotion and essential nature
  • Amplified States of Consciousness and universal mysticism
  • The need for Self-Realization in the human being

For more questions: Теl: +373 22 740637; Gsm: +373 6 0443513

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CURSUL "BAZELE ART-TERAPIEI PSIHODINAMICE" MODULUL I. «ASPECTE APLICATE ALE ART-TERAPIEI CLINICE» / 30 ore / arta în psihoterapie şi clinica psihiatrică estetica artei clinice distorsiona


2018 "Social entrepreneurship / economic activity of the non-commercial organization - Accounting aspects (public associations, foundations, philanthropic organizations, others)",AO MOTIVAŢ

Projects / Activities

Roundtable on "Planetary Consciousness as a Guarantor of Peace for the Good of the Earth", 14.04.2024, Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt Municipal Library, event held in the framework of Good Deeds Day,


  2019 Round Table "European Dialogues: Eastern Partnership at 10 Years - Results and Prospects for Moldova after 2020. Presentation of the Eastern Partnership Index 2017", Institute for
