//www.youtube.com/@foundationforeducationandd6702/videos">Foundation for Education and Development - Moldova - YouTube
- PNEUMA System in Moldova, 29.12.2016
- Confidences with Steliana Burlacu - Expert in Public Administration, 07.09.2016
- Training Project "Capacity building for NGOs in organisational development, policy dialogue and influence", May 11-13, 2016
Foundation for Educaíon and Development - Moldova (FED Moldova) is a nongovernmental, nonprofit, apolitical organization, founded in 2016 with the aim of raising the quality of
CURSUL "BAZELE ART-TERAPIEI PSIHODINAMICE" MODULUL I. «ASPECTE APLICATE ALE ART-TERAPIEI CLINICE» / 30 ore / arta în psihoterapie şi clinica psihiatrică estetica artei clinice distorsiona
Represented in the: Administrative Board of Scientific Society „Human Being and the Universe” of Moldova Academy of Science. Member of international EU NGO Forums: Eastern Partnership Civ
MODULE I - INNER KNOWLEDGE 5 days In this first module we embark upon the analysis and investigation of human nature which includes the study of the values of consciousness and the transcendence o