Proiect de Cercetare

Overall aim of the internship project was to re-think and enlarge the curriculum of the educational, training and organizational development programs for civil society organizations through making a research and writing an analytical paper on new modes of operation for civil society, including recommendations for action.


The internship project goals were as follows:

  • To research existing innovative fundraising approaches and strategies (monetization strategies, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, charity, philanthropy, etc.) and their application in Republic of Moldova;
  • To study fundraising methods and strategies applied in Czech Republic through study visits to relevant organizations and individuals;
  • To research ways of combining profit making and pro-bono work and social entrepreneurship initiatives by CSOs and their application in Republic of Moldova; 
  • To learn how to develop more effective broad-based NGO coalitions for learning, cooperating and advocating to build a stronger civil society and culture of philanthropy in Republic of Moldova;
  • To build partnerships and create collaborative relations with organisations and experts from Czech Republic and other countries for developing and delivering new strengthening civil society educational programs in Republic of Moldova.   

More than 20 individual meetings were held during the internship, among them:

  • Leading Foundations from Czech Republic such as: Forum 2000 Foundation, VIA Foundation, Civil Society Development Foundation (NROS), Vodafone Foundation, AVAST Foundation;
  • Relevant NGOs and institutions from Prague such as: People In Need, Coalition for Easy Giving, P3 – People, Planet, Profit, TEREZA Educational Centre, The Donors Forum, Business for Society and Humanity’s Team Czech Republic;
  • Study visits to NGOs from Zlin Region and South Bohemia in cities like Zlin, Otrokovice, Ceske Budejovice, Tabor, Sobeslav and visit of Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia, as well as other visits;

 International Conferences and events were attended, such as:

  • 22nd Forum 2000 Conference: “Democracy:  In need of a critical update?”on October 7-9, 2018;
  • The Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize 2018 “The unbearable Lightness of Evil” – 6th annual conference in honour of the winner;
  • “Russia: strategies for the Society”, organised by Boris Nemtov Foundation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic;
  • “Social Entrepreneurship: Business with an Impact”, organised by Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice;
  • “Russia Vs Putin” Mihail Hodorkovski „Open Russia” on November 23-25, 2018 and other events.



2019 "Parteneriatul Estic la 10 ani - împreună mai puternici",A

Foto 2016 Expoziţia de fotograf

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